عيادة غصن لطب وتجميل الأسنان

الدكتور أنمار نزار العبيدي

ماجستير في طب وجراحة الاسنان

نقدم كافة خدمات الأسنان من زراعة وتجميل ومعالجة الجذور والتقويم.

تقييم العملاء: ممتاز


خدماتنا المتنوعة

نقدم جميع المعالجات السنية من زراعة وتجميل الاسنان ومعالجة الجذور وحشوات الأسنان.

Bright living room with modern inventoryBright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

عن الدكتور أنمار نزار العبيدي

طبيب أسنان حاصل على درجة الماجستير والبورد في معالجة والتجميل الأسنان يسعى دائما الى تقديم افضل العلاج بأحدث الأجهزة والمعدات. كما يعمل جاهدا على التوعية بالاهتمام بالأسنان وما بعد العلاج. علاوة على ذلك فأنه يعمل على تدريس الطلاب في الجامعات العراقة ويقوم بدورات تدريبة للأطباء ما بعد تخرجهم من المراحل الجامعية الأولية في مجال زراعة الاسنان وتجميلها.



ثقة العملاء

خبرة عالية

معرض الصور

استعرض أعمالنا في زراعة وتجميل الأسنان ومعالجة الجذور.

A modern dental clinic interior with dental chairs lined up near large windows, bright overhead lighting, and cabinetry. The room is well-organized and appears clean and professional, with a neutral color scheme and urban city view through the windows.
A modern dental clinic interior with dental chairs lined up near large windows, bright overhead lighting, and cabinetry. The room is well-organized and appears clean and professional, with a neutral color scheme and urban city view through the windows.
A dental office sign with a large toothbrush and oversized teeth protrudes from the side of a brick building. Above the sign, a mannequin styled like a trapeze artist swings from a trapeze bar, adding a whimsical element to the scene. The sky is overcast, and the building facade features various textures such as metal and stone.
A dental office sign with a large toothbrush and oversized teeth protrudes from the side of a brick building. Above the sign, a mannequin styled like a trapeze artist swings from a trapeze bar, adding a whimsical element to the scene. The sky is overcast, and the building facade features various textures such as metal and stone.

آراء العملاء

تعليقات حقيقية من زبائننا حول خدماتنا في طب الأسنان.

لقد حصلت على تجربة رائعة في عيادة غصن. الأطباء محترفون جداً.

علياء محمد
A store facade with a large sign reading 'CANDID' features a modern, bright design. The window display includes promotional text that states 'Beautiful teeth. Brilliantly simple.' There is a large image of a person holding a dental product. The interior seems uncluttered with chic and minimalist furniture visible through the glass.
A store facade with a large sign reading 'CANDID' features a modern, bright design. The window display includes promotional text that states 'Beautiful teeth. Brilliantly simple.' There is a large image of a person holding a dental product. The interior seems uncluttered with chic and minimalist furniture visible through the glass.


خدمة ممتازة وعناية فائقة. أنصح الجميع بزيارة عيادة غصن لتجميل الأسنان.

A dental professional in a blue uniform and mask is attending to a patient in a dental chair. The dentist is using dental equipment under a bright examination light, while the room has a calm ambiance with pastel-colored walls.
A dental professional in a blue uniform and mask is attending to a patient in a dental chair. The dentist is using dental equipment under a bright examination light, while the room has a calm ambiance with pastel-colored walls.

سالم أحمد



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